For the second year in a row, Marty Fishman has produced a short film for Dan Savage's HUMP Fest. This year's submission, Cuckold, was their most challenging and rewarding production to date.
Once the film was selected to play at this year's festival, the team travelled up to Seattle to experience HUMP (the country's largest independent porn film festival).
Yes, there are movies in the festival that feature graphic, hilarious, and sensual depictions of coitus. Cuckold follows in the tradition of The Glory Hole (last year's submission from Fishman) and keeps the characters forefront and the sexuality as a necessary vehicle for the story.
The film played to a bewildered, yet supportive audience. Dan Savage himself said our leading man was "hot," but wanted to shave off his mustache.
Cuckold won the Jury Award and will be featured in this year's tour. Check their Website to find screenings near you. The only way to see the film is in Theaters on the HUMP tour.